EQ1: PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual population-weighted exposure (Micrograms per m3)
EQ2: DALY rate due to unsafe water sources (DALY lost per 100,000 persons)
EQ3: Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation per capita (Ton per year per capita)
GE1: Ratio of CO2 emissions to population, excluding AFOLU (Metric tons per capita)
GE2: Ratio of non-CO2 emissions to population, excluding AFOLU (Ton per capita)
GE3: Ratio of non-CO2 emissions in agriculture to population (Gigagrams per 1000 persons)
BE1: Average proportion of Key Biodiversity Areas covered by protected areas (Percent)
BE2: Share of forest area to total land area (Percent)
BE3: Soil biodiversity, potential level of diversity living in soils (Index)
CV1: Red list index (Index)
CV2: Tourism and recreation in coastal and marine areas (Score)
CV3: Share of terrestrial and marine protected areas to total territorial areas (Percent)